We know for the average Sole Trader doing their own Self Assessment Tax Returns (SATR) is an inconvenience which probably explains why most leave it until the last minute to process and then find they have not allowed sufficient time and receive substantial fines or at the minimum a £100 fine for late submission whether there is Tax due or not.
We also realise that the accountancy industry have made considerable profit from this with the average accountancy firm charging in excess of £300 per Self assessment tax return. This has led to some sole traders doing their own SATR and perhaps not capturing their full entitlement or claiming expenses that are not allowed and subsequently running the risk of a HMRC issue if they came for an inspection. There are also some sole traders whose bookkeeping is minimal or indeed entered on spreadsheets in a professional manner and for those people we have offer very competitive prices. Our business model is built on high volume, low maintenance clients and all we ask is that you let us have your paperwork as soon as possible as we don’t need, desire or want the last minute stress that most accountants endure which may explain why they charge the prices they do!!
Your Tax return payment is not due any quicker if you do an early return but at least you will know what you owe and hopefully avoid late payment fines. For all those CIS people why not do any early return as soon as possible in April/May when you have your CIS certificates to reclaim your tax overpayments. UTR (Unique Tax Reference) – please note we are not able to submit your self-assessment tax return without this reference which is a ten digit number. We are able to register you for this if you haven’t already done so and this must be done by 5th October after the tax year end. This is a free of charge service and usually takes a few weeks to authorise.